
GitHub Profile Page

Heyo! I'm Zakru. I'm a Finnish nerd who currently works as a backend dev. I'm studying Computer Science & Engineering at university, and on my free time I like to develop and play games, produce music and learn about fascinating topics online.

This website may or may not contain interesting things I want to implement in the past, present and/or future.


Rust is currently my absolute favorite language. Additionally I've professionally worked plenty with TypeScript/JavaScript, including frontend development with React. My hobby projects have also involved, in a very loose descending order of experience, Python, Java, Lua, GDScript, C#, C/C++, and some PHP a decade ago, among others I can't think of off the top of my head.

Technologies I've used professionally are mainly SQL RDBs, AWS and Node.js. Godot, Unity, LÖVE2D and Bevy are game engines/frameworks I've actively used. I also administrate the Linux server that runs this website.

I occasionally contribute to open-source games. I've contributed to Digital Extinction and RuneLite, maintaining my own plugin, with a small contribution to Veloren.


I mainly just mess around with music for myself, and I love producing music for my own game projects. Occasionally I post my music on my YouTube channel if I feel like someone else might find value in it. Beware of shitposts and what not.

Zakru milk???

Dude I have no clue, that game destroyed my SEO, I might need a brand change lol

It's 4 AM, I cba writing more I just wanted to add another block here

Hotspot is a puzzle platformer where the world changes based on what you listen.

Inspired by radios, navigate environments which you can only observe while tuned into specific frequencies. Not every frequency can give you the same information, and some elements depend on the frequency you're listening to. There's always something to discover on another frequency.

Mainly just wanted to add a piece of content like this here lol